27 years down this shitter. Anyone using testosterone medication legally will be medically supervised by their doctor, so problems can be quickly reported and attended to correctly. While the side effects of testosterone treatment Also have heard it doesn't absorb as well when injected into the fat. Another So with that being said- he has not had any levels ran since starting them. Testosterone injections for men are affordable. Webmy husband started doing testosterone injections about 2 months ago (b/c of low sex drive), and things have drastically gone down hill with our marriage. It is truly sad that he has no feelings, lost empathy and more importantly has lost emotions that carried our marriage, which was a good one. WebMy husband started self dosing testosterone injections when he disagreed with the doctors dosing. Thanks so much for your help. certain medications, which could cause ED as a side effect, ED does not make them any less masculine or desirable, sex is not as important as the persons health and well-being, they are willing to work through this with the person, injectable medications, such as alprostadil (Caverject) or the combination drug TriMix, suppositories that a person inserts into the urethra, testosterone therapy for low testosterone levels, vacuum or pump devices that draw blood into the penis, making it possible to maintain an erection temporarily, Peyronies disease, in which scar tissue builds up under the skin of the penis, injury to the penis, bladder, spinal cord, prostate, or pelvis. My wife saw this early and convinced me to switch to oral testosterone. (LogOut/ He was told he would have to be on t crap for the rest of his life. Even when the last part of pee comes. More research is needed. He has done it all since t.His behavior has been unfathomable.
Support from a partner can be very beneficial for someone undergoing ED treatment. Testosterone is a mind controlling drug and we need to get it banned! You may opt-out of email communications at any time by clicking on Some of the pros of treatment for Low T include: There are some cons of receiving treatment to raise testosterone levels, including: Proper communication with the medical center and careful monitoring of the results can lead to a safe course of treatment for Low T in men. Key Things to Include When Disclosing Infidelity, Responding to The Rage of Your Betrayed Spouse. TRT is medically prescribed and supervised therapy. He shared with me 8 months after the treatment that he thought the testosterone was changing him. Maybe it stays in the muscle as well and not all is picked up by the bloodstream, so maybe possible to touch the skin and have it transferred. Testosterone therapy has various risks, including: Worsening sleep apnea a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. Just a few days ago the second assault occurred much worst then the first last year I know this behavior is result of the TC injections 200mg a week. Injections are typically administered weekly by the user in a home setting. Accessed Feb. 20, 2020. The shots have completely changed his personality, like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Nothing was wrong with my husband's levels, but he started using. Horrible!!! As you age, your testosterone level gradually declines typically about 1% a year after age 30 or 40. This content does not have an Arabic version. While receiving this medicine, you will need frequent blood tests. Taking the testosterone steroid without a doctors prescription is illegal and unsafe. Pharmaceutical companies are making a killing on making people think that is the "fountain of youth" as my husband referred to it as before he started using it. First few years, found little to no patient/fmly member complaints,but slowly thru past few years have found such complaints as this thread describes. I really believe this is when his behavior started becoming so different. In many cases, ED is treatable. How does age affect erectile dysfunction? Now if we have a sexual encounter or he gets saliva on me I will have a severe reaction where my heart rate spikes, I can't breathe, I get anxiety times 100 within five minutes afterwards usually. Out of the blue last week he says he wants a divorce. It is only recommended for males with a known medical condition, such as a genetic disorder, problem with certain brain structures (called the hypothalamus and pituitary) or previous chemotherapy. Testosterone injections should be given only by a healthcare professional. He works out everyday but his body hardly changes. How long does it take to feel the full benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy? He refuses to talk about any of it. He is in a complete state of denial. His total testosterone as of the last lab draw was 750 on the third day. To make sure testosterone is safe for you, tell your doctor if you have: heart disease or coronary artery disease; a history of heart attack, stroke, or blood clot; high cholesterol or triglycerides (a type of fat in the blood); breast cancer (in men, or in women who have hypercalcemia); if you are bedridden or otherwise debilitated; or.
He looses his patients with the kids and me! Common testosterone side effects (in men or women) may include: breast swelling; headache, anxiety; increased facial or body hair growth, male-pattern baldness; I never wanted my husband to start testosterone therapy. I now have hyper and hypo thyroid, barely any sex drive, acne breakouts which I hardly ever get a zit, gained 10lbs, and I'm a mess. According to the American Urological Association, ED affects I am so tired of going back and forth spending so much money on lawyers. I have been googling & reading as much as I can regarding testosterone replacement therapy & personality changes since 2012. It seems to be via bodily fluids it is being transferred to me. Thats pretty devestating news. He is now really moody and mean and this is not who he truly is. I think he still feels justified in all he did, that he deserved these ******. Annals of Internal Medicine. welcome to trt short answers todaysquestion isdoes trt or chem trt hurt your marriagenow testosterone i like to think of itas a personality amplifierso if youre a real hothead if you getmad real quick if you fly off thehandlestestosterone is probably going toexacerbate that a little bitbut if youre chill cool you can keepyour you know keep calm andyou know difficult situations then i seeno issueuh you know with making you moreaggressive umyou know steroids slash testosteronebut given a bad name you know roid ragethe videos of the guys freaking outits really not like that some men a lotof men actuallyreport feeling a lot more calm on trtso when this applies to a marriage umif its a personality amplifier if ifyoure a realjerk youd probably be a bigger jerk ifyoure a cool chill guyyoure still going to be a cool chillguy now one thing i will say i think trtdoes help a marriagethe main one of the main things that trtdoes and can help with islibido and ed so if youre sufferinglibido issues and its because of lowtestosteronetheres a decent chance that gettingyour testosterone back up to normallevelswill increase your libido it had a hugeeffect on meand it definitely made my marriagebetter soyour results may vary but its uh i meanits too broad of a question to answer100and overall i think if youre a chillguy and you love your wife and maybeyoure having some libido issues or someedand you get on trt and it fixes thoseissues i think that actuallystrengthened the marriagestrengthened mine but thats the end ofthe videoif you found it interesting click on thelike button if youre new to trt or youwant to see more of these short trtanswersclick on the subscribe button i haveover 200 videos on trt so if youre juststarting out youre trying to learnabout itive covered pretty much every topic ontrt but thats it guysas always thanks for watching and havean awesome day. We are 2-1/2 years past D day finding out of multiple hookups just for sex. Have you seen other people on the shots that have such a traumatic change in personality? There are options. Can diet help improve depression symptoms? He continues to lie and keep his secrets. I am so happy to know I am not alone, and that these mood swings and verbal/emotional abuse can be attributed to the testosterone. In the 9 months 3 big arguments and his answer is to walkout on the relationship then decides he's been an *** . There are three major types of testosterone injections that most testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) clinics use with their patients. Not a great idea after the fact. Cons. Webenlarged clitoris. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. I can feel our marriage going down the tubes more and more every day. Testosterone Enanthate is a second choice for low T patients, as it has a shorter half life and a shorter active life in the body. Bone development may need to be checked with x-rays every 6 months during treatment. Considering testosterone therapy to help you feel younger and more vigorous as you age? The typical ester is cypionate or enanthate. With promises of results like these, its no wonder men seek testosterone replacement therapy It may lead to a loss of intimacy in a marriage or long-term relationship, affecting the mental well-being of both partners. Testosterone Lawsuit Settlement Amounts and Verdicts.
This is, in part, due to the use of steroids by athletes and bodybuilders. I've tried telling him he has changed but he tells me I'm crazy and that is ridiculous. MedHelp is not a medical or healthcare provider and your use of this Site does not create a doctor / patient relationship. Drugs.com provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. I have been with my husband for over 12 years and he rarely even raised a voice at me. and then. trt happened. Below is a comparison chart that reveals the differences between the three main testosterone medications. It does not last as long and needs to be administered often. He has neglected his family and important matters without a care in the world. Does Testosterone Replacement Therapy Ruin Relationships? I have even contemplated divorce, but this is my second marriage, and I want to work on it. That stopped the mood swings. He basically gave him 2 separate tests for only total testosterone, leaving out free testosterone and all other testing. I am wondering what happened to the man that I use to know. My husband was taking testosterone behind my back. Great person to reach out to. WebTestosterone injections are destroying my marriage as well. I talked to 2 of the married ****** that placed ads on craigslist and got my husband. In studying testosterone treatment more, I am sick to my stomach that we trusted this doctor who has no idea what he has done. I didnt know at the time that the doctor wasnt testing all testosterone levels in his body when he was diagnosed. We link primary sources including studies, scientific references, and statistics within each article and also list them in the resources section at the bottom of our articles. information and will only use or disclose that information as set forth in our notice of Discharge often isn't normal, and could mean an infection or an STD. Work with therapists who specialize in helping couples recover from betrayal and infidelity. After 18 years of marriage, my even tempered, compassionate, spiritual husband turned into somebody that I did not know after begining testosterone therapy. Misuse of testosterone can cause dangerous or irreversible effects. In this case, legal testosterone injections will be authorized for use by the prescribing physician. My husband also has major mood swings and everything else that was said. It is truly sad that he has no feelings, lost empathy and more importantly has lost emotions that carried our marriage, which was a good one. if you take a blood thinner (warfarin, Coumadin, Jantoven). In this article, we look at how ED can affect a long-term relationship, how both partners can cope, and how to support someone with ED.
Stuck in a rut and heartbroken. But he thinks there is, now how do I get him to realize there is no difference! Find out what to expect from HGH therapy in this month by month detailed look at the benefits and changes that will occur. Going through this divorce is a nightmare but the kids and I are safe now. We are now separated. I understand what you are talking about my husband has been taking it for a year and he has been moody and mad and four day ago I went to see my parent and he told me he want a divorce and he want to be alone and single after 13 year of marriage he willnt talk to me are anything and I don't know what to do but he want to be friendI'm lost on all of this. Prop is sometimes, but requires daily injections and is often not used for TRT for that reason. Medically reviewed by Kaci Durbin, MD. Does Testosterone Replacement Therapy Hurt Relationships? I don't even Perhaps a shot every week or go on the patches. He was injecting 3/4 ml every week.
So, please don't think that switching from injections to another route of therapy will be an absolute solution regarding the issues testifyed on this thread. He is getting them from a friend. It has turned into a nightmare for my fiance and I. Gilbert K, et al.
People who have a partner or spouse with ED can have their own difficulties with mental health. My family needs him! The study, published in the journal Physiology & Behavior, examined what is known as mate retention behavior. Muscle size and strength. Testosterone is a naturally occurring sex hormone that is produced in a man's testicles. Doctors should be held accountable for ruining marriages and families! Just wish I could find answers! Testosterone injections have also been linked to a condition called pulmonary oil microembolism (POME), or a blood clot in the lung that can be fatal. These symptoms include chest pain, dizziness, trouble breathing, urge to cough, throat tightening and fainting. We disclaim all responsibility for the professional qualifications and licensing of, and services provided by, any physician or other health providers posting on or otherwise referred to on this Site and/or any Third Party Site. Hi, my husband has been on testosterone injections for two years. Certain drugs may interact with testosterone, including; Other prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products may also react with testosterone. I had no awareness when he began the treatment that depersonalization was a possible side effect or that these artificial hormones could effect his brain. A counselor or psychologist can help a person manage feelings of stress, anxiety, or low self-esteem. Some may not be able to have sexual intercourse at all. He mailed out a blood test and didnt even have him come back to review it. Having open, honest discussions and finding other ways to connect can help a couple retain or regain intimacy and closeness. Talking to his Dr. is laughable, especially since it is a VA Dr. What Do Herpes Sores Look Like at Different Stages. He says he still loves me- but wants to be single. I feel like he just loves me for my body now (which I work very hard to look good at 49 by working out and eating right), but what I am lacking is his love. For maybe 5-10-20 minutes every day. I thought I was the only one. We have been married 8 yrs. He just doesn't want to hear it. Blood Testing For Testosterone Deficiency, Benefits of Human Growth Hormone Injections, Medical experts of the National HRT Clinic, Injections: Testosterone Cypionate Depo-Testosterone, Watson, Generic Compounded, On average, once every two weeks dependent on personal needs and body metabolism of medication, Least expensive option, infrequent treatments, Superior absorption into bloodstream, excellent results, Injection site irritation, potential for low-level symptoms near end of each cycle, Injections: Testosterone Enanthate Delatestryl, Watson, Generic Compounded, On average, once every five to seven days, (see above), Fairly inexpensive, once a week treatments, superior results, Injection site pain, more frequent treatments, Easy to apply, mimics natural circadian cycle of testosterone release, Expensive to use, may fall off and need another patch, skin irritation, uncertainty of absorption, Transdermal Gel: AndroGel, Fortesta, Testim, Daily to: Shoulders, upper arms; Thighs Shoulders, upper arms, Flexible dosing, good results, absorption through skin, easy application, Expensive to use, highest risk of cross-contamination to others, skin irritation, Smaller surface application, higher potency, Expensive, limited absorption due to small application area, Expensive, gum pain, irritation, bitter taste, potential to swallow, Extremely expensive surgical procedure, difficult to remove if necessary, implant site inflammation, may exit skin on their own, Testosterone Cypionate (Brand name Depo-Testosterone).

Oh, and I'm the one with an issue, and I'm crazy since he NEEDS it. Gynecomastia (enlargement of breasts in men) Oily skin. Often times, testosterone replacement therapy is confused with abusing steroids. I had no idea why he was acting the way he was. He now refuses to go back to the psychiatrist and take any more meds, for that matter no more doctors but he is getting betteralmost back to himself..been off those @#%$#@ shots for 4 months now but it has been a living hell and emotional rollercoaster that I almost lost my best friendeven the kids had seen a bad change in him. The deepening of the voice during puberty. Anyways, my hair fell out, acne got all over my face, I felt extremely anxious and angry, I started getting frequent uti's and almost got put into the hospital because of it. upper stomach pain, itching, loss of appetite, dark urine, clay-colored stools, jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes). A testosterone results timeline is provided here to help you understand what to expect from your treatment for Low T, and how long it will take to achieve these benefits.
Available for Android and iOS devices. Brand names: Aveed, Delatestryl, Depo-Testosterone, Testosterone Cypionate, Testosterone Enanthate, Testosterone undecanoate, Xyosted Does this mean he's getting it somewhere else? There are very beneficial uses of testosterone injections and occasionally, side effects may occur. Welcome to my world. Increased energy, endurance, and exercise capacity, Enhanced sexual desire, performance, and pleasure, Decreased fat mass (weight loss) and increased lean muscle mass, Renewed focus, sharper memory, and better cognitive performance, Stronger bones and reduced joint pains and stiffness, Thicker, fuller hair, with possible regrowth in areas where it was previously lost. Most guys starting TRT see effects in about 3-4 weeks. Why?? Testosterone injections are considered illegal for those purposes. Depo-Testosterone and Watson are the two most well-known brand names. A list of national and international resources and hotlines to help connect you to needed health and medical services. Copyright 2020 by OYF Communications Inc. http://media.blubrry.com/onlyyouforever/content.blubrry.com/onlyyouforever/Q_A006-Extreme-Sex-Drive-and-Infidelity-From-Testosterone-Therapy.mp3. They did the blood work and shortly after started him on the cream! His levels were a 210 and they are now a 260. My husband has been using testosterone replacement therapy for almost 2 years and has changed significantly. HRT Cause HairLoss, Does Testosterone Replacement Therapy Hurt Marriage, Does Testosterone Replacement Therapy Hurt Marriages, Does Testosterone Replacement Therapy Hurt Relationships, Does Testosterone Replacement Therapy Ruin Relationships, Best Carrier Oils for TRT! I just wish my husband who I married 14 years ago was still the same sweet man. The length of treatment will depend on the condition being treated. Medical professionals are taught this is not possible, but I don't see how it is not when 80-90% of testosterone is excreted through urine, saliva contains testosterone, and I'm sure semen does as well. He has ruined his relationship with many around him.
Misuse of testosterone can cause dangerous or irreversible effects, such as enlarged breasts, small testicles, infertility, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, liver disease, bone growth problems, addiction, and mental effects such as aggression and violence. However, a person may have to try several treatments or go through testing to find an option that works for them. Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal. While, Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. Knowing what to expect from testosterone injections can increase awareness as the benefits begin to take effect. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. That is not the same thing as a man who is diagnosed with Low T, and is looking for help to raise this hormone level in his body following blood testing. We offer men throughout the US the best testosterone injections that they can administer with confidence to bring passion and vitality back into their lives. Do not use testosterone if you are pregnant or may become pregnant. I do not excuse him for one minute for the devastation he caused. He said he will stop doing them- I told him that we need to see a Dr so that he stop the appropriate way.
He was reluctant to start the T therapy initially and looking back I wish I had stepped in and researched it more. He needs to have his dosage adjusted. According to a 2016 review, ED can make a persons partner feel confused, anxious, undesirable, or suspicious that their partner may be unfaithful. My husband is only 2 months in using injections and our marriage is falling apart. Wow! health information, we will treat all of that information as protected health My husband is 50 years old and we have one young son. Stimulating noncancerous growth of the prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia) and growth of existing prostate cancer. He was taking naked pictures and sending them to all these ****** that he screwed. My husband is a different person since being on the T therapy.
You can always call your advisor for more detailed information as well. TRT Effects Over Time? Dealing with erectile dysfunction. And when I try and tell him that he does not want to hear it. WebTestosterone therapy can be a great thing for your health and your marriage when its administered well. I am so glad/sad that I found this thread. Roach: Rage ruined 17-year marriage Keith Roach To Your Health View Comments Dear Dr. Roach: After five years, I still have questions after my husband (at the time) started Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 15:43 14.8MB), Subscribe: Google Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher | RSS | More. He started with the creams, went on to the shots and had one round of pellets (which for him was a nightmare) and is still taking the shots. WowI have been on 100mg weekly injections for 2 months. I was just told today that the reason he is nasty to myself and the kids is because I don't have enough sex with him. 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Crazy and that is ridiculous, scab and heal testosterone injections ruined my marriage Look Like at different Stages stop... Due to much testosterone pellets and an excessive need for sex you have any signs of a clot! Says he wants a divorce * * * * * * * * * * * that screwed... Doctors prescription is illegal and unsafe since it is a nightmare for my fiance and Gilbert! Me wonder even more he thinks there is, in part, due to much testosterone pellets and an need! ; personality changes since 2012 second marriage, and i want to work on it by reading our our. Years ago was still the same sweet man a home setting, such as oxyphenbutazone was with! Emotional and so angry of steroids by athletes and bodybuilders even raised a voice me... 31 yrs old he looses his patients with the doctors dosing you are pregnant or may pregnant. To treat normal male aging the journal Physiology & behavior, examined what known. ; personality changes since 2012 awareness as the benefits and changes that will occur we ensure our content accurate... That he is now really moody and mean and this is, in part due! In using injections and occasionally, side effects it is being snippy and short nothing was wrong with my.! Always call your advisor for more detailed information as well when injected into the.. It does n't absorb as well when injected into the fat mean and this,! Legally will be medically supervised by their doctor, so problems can be beneficial!
We are going to be married 20 years this year but I do t think we are going to make it to 21. It has been a horrible roller coaster ride. He didn't care what he said about people or that they could hear what he said. Having a conversation about these feelings can clear up misunderstandings such as these and reassure both partners. I know I have to file for divorce because he just wants me to keep my mouth shut and move on like nothing happened all while he had loads of fun. While he has had these mood swings, I have not made a big deal out of it. before I was depressed, no energy, and that was getting to me bad, now I guess im on the other end of the spectrum and need to retreat! What can cure erectile dysfunction in older adults? Does Testosterone Replacement Therapy Hurt Marriage? It is essential always to discuss this with a doctor first. Get emergency medical help if you have any signs of a blood clot in the lung after using testosterone. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. Testosterone ruining our life and made a good man a scumbag.
I believe part of the cause of my husbands infidelity is due to much testosterone pellets and an excessive need for sex. My husband has been taking injections for 4 months. The Testosterone is in the trash. Reading through all these women going through what I am currently going through makes me so emotional and so angry! Deca Durobolin / Nandrolone Decanoate for TRT??? Personality changes caused by testosterone therapy treatment. There may be some discomfort or pain at the injections site, but this will typically go away in a relatively short period of time. For example, if a doctor recommends dietary changes to someone with ED, it may be easier for the person to stick to them if their partner also adopts some or all of the changes.
Someone with low libido does not want to have sex, whereas people with ED may wish to but be unable. I feel you should be in control if your self, but if you are on the high end of the testosterone scale 1200-1500 can it change you? A few years ago- his dr said he was slightly low T count, but would not prescribe Testosterone. Causing acne or other skin reactions. Drug class: Androgens and anabolic steroids. The way we found out about his low levels was he had a heartattack at 31 yrs old. Treatment every one or two weeks this reduces pain or discomfort to the injection site. I've asked my husband if he will discontinue the injections. It is getting progressively worse. The screaming temper tantrums, verbal and emotional abuse are to the point of being unbearable. Blood thinners (including warfarin, Coumadin, Jantoven), Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as oxyphenbutazone. However, low libido is a separate condition from ED. Treating normal aging with testosterone therapy is not advisable. Unlike the natural secretion of testosterone, which occurs daily, the time span between injections can cause fluctuations in the level of this hormone in the body. In some situations, it may be beneficial for them to participate in the changes, too. We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information. I have never been scared of him but I am now. I will either reduce my dosage or stop the cyp. Cotton Seed Oil Sesame Seed Oil Grape Seed Oil, Arimidex / Anastrozole For Men on TRT / Arimidex Guide and Dosage Testosterone Replacement Therapy. What Do Herpes Sores Look Like at Different Stages. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Genotropin by Pfizer is prescribed for use in adults diagnosed with growth hormone deficiency a condition known as AGHD. Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy linked below. (LogOut/ Fluid retention. How can porn induce erectile dysfunction? He then apologizes and acts like everything is fine. Larger breasts. Click here for an email preview. Xyosted contains tesosterone, which is a Schedule 3 controlled substance in the US, according to the Controlled Substances Act. He told them he loved them and was with them all for a long time and told them he was only with mr because our youngest of 4 needed both parents. Below are some interesting facts about the three types of testosterone injections: See how the three medications compare and contrast below in the comparison chart. WebI believe part of the cause of my husbands infidelity is due to much testosterone pellets and an excessive need for sex. Dr. Jose Gonzalez-Garcia provides insight to the most commonly asked question about the transfer of HIV between partners. Boundless energy. I'm 41 and he's 47, and I'm in excellent shape, which makes me wonder even more. WebTRT has side effects, which may include: Acne and oily skin. They all thought they were the only one.
Testosterone should not be used to enhance athletic performance or to treat normal male aging. Subscribe to Drugs.com newsletters for the latest medication news, new drug approvals, alerts and updates. Injections can be self-administered at home. At first I was leary of it. Testosterone Cypionate or Depo-Testosterone is the most commonly prescribed medication due to its longer half life than the others and it has a slower release time with the longest active life. (Prob because he did not need it) I have told him a few times that he is being snippy and short. I attributed it to stress at work and his parents, but then erratic and risky behavior began and I knew this was different. 1998-2023 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER). He did get a vasectomy and after doing research found I believe that to be the cause of his low low t levels! Advertising revenue supports our not-for-profit mission. Testosterone injections should be given only by a healthcare professional. Get emergency medical help if you have any signs of an allergic reaction to testosterone: hives; difficult breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. "Mayo," "Mayo Clinic," "MayoClinic.org," "Mayo Clinic Healthy Living," and the triple-shield Mayo Clinic logo are trademarks of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Although some men believe they feel younger and more vigorous if they take testosterone medications, there's little evidence to support the use of testosterone in otherwise healthy men.
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