calculate the maximum height reached by the rocket

The maximum height for a rocket is calculated after it runs out of fuel. The OpenStax name, OpenStax logo, OpenStax book covers, OpenStax CNX name, and OpenStax CNX logo This is true only for conditions neglecting air resistance. Thesis, The Catholic University of America, 1967.

So we need to find the maximum time first using our axis of symmetry. We discussed this fact in Displacement and Velocity Vectors, where we saw that vertical and horizontal motions are independent. (d) What is the rocks velocity at the point of impact? The launch rod should give your model rocket enough distance to accelerate to safe flying speed while the rocket is still restrained by the launch rod. The trajectory of a tennis ball hit into the stands. Output.

We launched this rocket in calm weather with wind up to 3 km/h with gusts up to 7 km/h. Physics. Should I (still) use UTC for all my servers? Question: Based on the value of the thrust integral, determine the average thrust acting on the rocket. Because y0y0 and vyvy are both zero, the equation simplifies to. v = u ln ( m 0 m). go / ge = (d Earth)^2 / (d orbit)^2 go / ge = (4000/4200)^2 = .907 On orbit, the shuttle weighs 250,000 * .907 = 226,757 pounds. If the two golf shots in Example 4.9 were launched at the same speed, which shot would have the greatest range? As we can see, the drug goes up with the square of the velocity. 35.0 . Does height matter in projectile motion? Note that we are adding the initial mass of the A8-3 motor to the total mass of the rocket without the motors because this calculator only allows one engine to be entered: 140+15.5=155.5 g. The calculated rod separation velocity for this rocket is only 7.43 m/s (26.8 km/h, 24.4 ft/s, 16.6 mi/h), that is, it is higher than in Example 2, but still small and unsafe. (Since you originally determined the acceleration by dividing the net force by a constant 0.255 kg, you must change your acceleration column to take into account the changing mass.

Therefore, determining the average thrust requires the determination of the integral of the thrust with respect to time.

calculate the maximum height reached by the rocket.

Furthermore, we see from the factor sin20sin20 that the range is maximum at 45.45. With these conditions on acceleration and velocity, we can write the kinematic Equation 4.11 through Equation 4.18 for motion in a uniform gravitational field, including the rest of the kinematic equations for a constant acceleration from Motion with Constant Acceleration. Assume the drag coefficient is zero. Therefore, the maximum height of the water from the hose will be 62.76 m. Physicscalc.Com has different physics concept calclators like waves calculators, rotational and periodic motion calculators, optics, fluid mechanics, etc. \end{aligned} $$, $$ \begin{aligned} h(t) &= h_1 + \int v(t)\,{\rm d}t = h_1 + \int \limits_{t_1}^t \left( v_1- g ( t-t_1) \right)\,{\rm d}t \\ & h_2 = h(t_2) = h_1 + \frac{v_1^2}{2 g} = \frac{t_1^2}{2 g} \frac{F}{m} \left( \frac{F}{m}-g \right) \end{aligned} $$. This looks more fun :) Will look at tommorow in more depth, brain needs its sleep at the moment. IV. Thus, the total initial mass of the system is 255 g. The rocket will begin at rest on the ground. Typically the thrust force is not constant in time, the mass of the rocket decreases as the fuel burns, and substantial drag forces act on the rocket. Velocity v(t) = x'(t) = - 32t + 150 = 0-; t = 150/32 = 4.6875 smax x(t) = x(4.6875) = - 16(4.6875)2 + 1504.6875 + 30 = 381.5625 ft Value Units. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Please, try again after a while. At this speed, the rocket fins ensure its stable flight, provided that the rockets center of gravity is at least one body diameter above the center of pressure. (d) Maximum height attained by rocket. II. The table below taken from John DeMars testing report Model Rocket Drag Analysis using a Computerized Wind Tunnel[6] shows the drag coefficient of several model rockets and nose cones tested in a wind tunnel at the airspeed 120 km/h. March 27, 2023; Category: Blog; Posted By: Tags: Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. The direction vv is found using the inverse tangent: Of interest are the time of flight, trajectory, and range for a projectile launched on a flat horizontal surface and impacting on the same surface. A model rocket on a launch pad is balanced and stays at rest because the force of gravity pulls it down and the pad pushes it up with exactly the same force (thats Newtons third law in action!). Students have to obtain the angle of launch, initial velocity, Note that in this calculator we consider only the flight to apogee. Therefore, the effective rod length for this rocket is only 911030=51 cm. The effective rod length is determined by the moment the upper lug leaves the rod. Note also that the maximum height depends only on the vertical component of the initial velocity, so that any projectile with a 67.6-m/s initial vertical component of velocity reaches a maximum height of 233 m (neglecting air resistance). We must find their components along the x- and y-axes. This result is called the rocket equation. Because vy=0vy=0 at the apex, this equation reduces to simply. Thrust curves from website. This gives a mass of 0.050 kg. Want to cite, share, or modify this book?

The descent of the rocket on a parachute is analyzed in another calculator. Compare these values to the values calculated assuming the mass is constant. You should be able to accomplish this by simply changing the formula in the acceleration column of your spreadsheet. Unit Converter YouTube channel, Terms and Conditions When the shell explodes, air resistance has a major effect, and many fragments land directly below. This can also be seen in the launch sequence below. Horizontal motion is a constant velocity in the absence of air resistance.

At this small speed, the rocket fins still do not work and the rocket is unstable and easily deviates from its vertical trajectory. Physics questions and answers. All models were made for testing without launch lugs and were finished with average smoothness. Here, the results of simulating the flights of the Rocketarium Arcturus rocket in OpenRocket are compared with the calculation in this calculator. The comparison shows that the maximum deviation is in only one parameter: the time to apogee for the Aerotech F30FJ-6 (9.1%) and F32-6 (8%) motors. And this is C. So we get negative 229 divided by two times negative 4.9.,, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Example 3 at the end of this article shows that the Estes C6-0 motor worked 2.57 seconds instead of 1.6 seconds according to its specifications. For example, consider an Estes 1/8 launch rod. For comparison, lets say that typical vehicles that lift satellites in a low Earth orbit have a thrust-to-weight ratio in the range of about 1.2 to 1.5 at launch. No net force in the upwards direction. This measurement is No packages or subscriptions, pay only for the time you need. Unlike as it is in airplanes, lift is not used in rockets to make them go higher. The information given is model rocket is traveling at its maximum How much hissing should I tolerate from old cat getting used to new cat? I fixed the post. The comparison results are shown in Table 4. The projectile launched with the smaller angle has a lower apex than the higher angle, but they both have the same range. Although the thrust is not constant, it is useful to first analyze the motion of the rocket assuming the thrust is constant, because when the thrust is constant the motion can be analyzed by the familiar equations of introductory physics. So, defining the rocket acceleration and the final velocity with all changing values in this simple formula is not an easy task. A. This is a differential equation because acceleration is the second derivative of position with respect to time. (Hint: If you are using the previously saved data, you should get a value between 11 and 12 N. If you dont, do not proceed until you find your mistake!). Max Height. Now once the velocity reached its maximum, the acceleration will become: Carefully explain why the maximum height is different when drag is taken into account. Fortunately, the rocket did not break the window of the house around which the fence was built.

A test rocket starting from rest at point A is launched by accelerating it along a 200.0-m incline at 1.80 m/s2 (Figure 1). The plot board has a grid with two angle scales printed on it at the end of a scale 200 baseline. The key to analyzing two-dimensional projectile motion is to break it into two motions: one along the horizontal axis and the other along the vertical. B. Equation 4.24 does not apply when the projectile lands at a different elevation than it was launched, as we saw in Example 4.8 of the tennis player hitting the ball into the stands. It allows the rocket to coast to the peak altitude.

Therefore, to proceed we must determine the average value of the thrust. WebWhat is the maximum height reached by the rocket in meters? 1. Time to Max Height. If air resistance is considered, the maximum angle is somewhat smaller. (b) We can find the final horizontal and vertical velocities vxvx and vyvy with the use of the result from (a). Output. Doing a little final practice and was asked to find the max height and the time of the max height of the rocket.

Express your answer with the appropriate units. At PhET Explorations: Projectile Motion, learn about projectile motion in terms of the launch angle and initial velocity. The magnitudes of these vectors are s, x, and y. (b) As in many physics problems, there is more than one way to solve for the time the projectile reaches its highest point. Estimate the maximum altitude and time to reach it, A short video of this failed launch with the flight timeline, This video shows how we built and launched this rocket, Simulation with the Aerotech F30FJ-6 motor, The basic model used for testing the nose cones.

Nose cones were tested on the same model. March 27, 2023; Category: Blog; Posted By: Tags: Using the trigonometric identity 2sincos=sin22sincos=sin2 and setting x = R for range, we find. The plot board is a scale model of the flying field.
Smaller motors have a higher thrust-to-weight ratio. 0000097495 00000 n Calculate the function G(t) = -16t2 + 150t + 30 tells you the height of the rocket given a time t (in seconds). This article was written by Anatoly Zolotkov, Rocket Altitude Calculator Calculate a Maximum Altitude Using an Inclinometer, Model Rocket Dual-Axis Altitude Tracking Calculator, Model Rocket Altitude Calculator Calculate a Maximum Altitude using Ground Photography, Model Rocket Altitude Calculator Calculate a Maximum Altitude Using Aerial Videography, Model Rocket Speed and Acceleration Calculator Calculation Using Rocket Camera Footage, Model Rocket Speed and Acceleration Calculator Calculation Using Ground Camera Footage. Apply Newtons Second Law in the vertical direction and solve for the acceleration. y = v_0 t + (1/2)at^2; v_0 = 0; y = -h; and a = g the initial vertical velocity is zero, because we specified that the projectile is launched horizontally. The three forces acting on the rocket will also change. Maker Media, 2014, Sampo Niskanen. Second hole:y=x[tan309.8m/s22[(31.9m/s)(cos30)]2x]=0.58x0.0064x2 Real rocket engines produce a thrust that is not constant in time. The calculator displays a warning message. Here, the results of simulating the flights of the Estes Crossfire ISX rocket from Example 1 (above) in OpenRocketwith are compared with the calculation in this calculator. Try searching for a tutor. Is renormalization different to just ignoring infinite expressions? The horizontal displacement is the horizontal velocity multiplied by time as given by x=x0+vxt,x=x0+vxt, where x0x0 is equal to zero. Nose cones were tested on the same model: 1st stage propellant burns out, booster apogee, 2nd stage ignition, The rocket movement stopped; the camera was separated from the rocket. If its fuel is finished after 1 minute then calculate-(a) Maximum velocity attained by rocket in ascending motion. how to calculate the maximum height of a rocket If the calculation is done manually, then all values are inserted in the following formulas in SI units. At this time the ejection charge fires and the parachute or a streamer is deployed. In other cases we may choose a different set of axes. However, the specifications do not indicate the permissible payload weight (which is strange because this rocket is for beginners).

A 255 g rocket is launched vertically upward from rest. The rocket mass without motor is 36.9 g or 1.3 oz, its diameter is 0.98 or 25 mm. The rocket is considered in free flight when its upper launch lug leaves the rod. The thrust acting on the rocket is equal to the value

The launch rod length is 36 inches (91 cm), the electrical tape is wound 6 inches (15 cm) above the blast plate and the distance between the lugs is 6.1 inches (155 mm). The kinematic equations for motion in a uniform gravitational field become kinematic equations with ay=g,ax=0:ay=g,ax=0: Using this set of equations, we can analyze projectile motion, keeping in mind some important points. (c) Because air resistance is negligible, ax=0ax=0 and the horizontal velocity is constant, as discussed earlier. To define the altitude d and velocity v of the rocket moving with an initial velocity v0 and acceleration arelative to the initial altitude d0, we will use two equations of motion known from elementary physics: In these equations, t denotes the time during which the movement occurred from the moment when the speed was v0 to the moment for which the calculation is performed. Textbook content produced by OpenStax is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License . Estes 1/8 launch rod length is 91 cm. Assume the mass of the rocket is constant and the drag acting on the rocket is zero. I reasoned that the graph should look like a parabola with the left "leg" being constant up to $25ms^{-1}$ followed by a normal "parabolic drop". I figure it should be a bitwise function but can't piece it together. A link to the app was sent to your phone. Question: In light of the fact that the mass is not constant, do you think that the rocket will fly higher, lower or the same as your original, constant mass, prediction? Record your result, with units, below. Go through the solved example and simple formulas to explore the concept. Created By : (c) Write the trajectory equation for both cases.

In this case, kinematic equations give useful expressions for these quantities, which are derived in the following sections. The main component would be a cable (also called a tether) anchored to the surface and extending into space.An Earth-based space elevator cannot be constructed with a tall tower This expression can be substituted into the equation for velocity and then integrated to find the height at the end of burnout: The final height of the rocket can then be determined by equating the kinetic energy of the vehicle at burnout with its change in potential energy between that point and the maximum height. Guided Tours. rev2023.4.5.43378. This result is called the rocket equation. If we assume for simplicity that our rocket flies perfectly vertically with a zero angle of attack (in rocketry, angle of attack is the angle between the long axis of a rocket and its velocity vector), we can ignore the lift force acting on the rocket and consider only the three forces as shown in the picture: As we can see, all three forces acting on the rocket change during its flight. This is shown in the video below. To lift the rocket off the ground the thrust must be greater than the force of gravity acting on the rocket. This means that the movement of a rocket can be unambiguously determined by specifying its initial coordinates and the change in its mass and thrust force over time. Why? There is also the fourth force the lift force, which we will not consider here for simplicity because the downward drag force is usually much stronger than the upward lift force. In practice, air resistance is not completely negligible, so the initial velocity would have to be somewhat larger than that given to reach the same height. Now try a more realistic rocket, one that flies by ejecting mass. Since the mathematical function describing the thrust is not known, we will have to approximate the integral. The LibreTexts libraries arePowered by NICE CXone Expertand are supported by the Department of Education Open Textbook Pilot Project, the UC Davis Office of the Provost, the UC Davis Library, the California State University Affordable Learning Solutions Program, and Merlot. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. All sizes are in inches. The comparison of the results of simulation the flight of the Rocketarium Arcturus model rocket in OpenRocket with the calculation of this flight in this calculator. These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be turned off in our system. Final Report of the Special Committee on Range Operation and Procedure to the National Association of Rocketry. Compute. Webcalculate the maximum height reached by the rocket. and this is where my further calculations turn into magic. With a speed of 8000 m/s, orbit is achieved. Comparison to the OpenRocket simulation for the Estes Crossfire ISX rocket with the Estes C6-5 motor shows a 3.2% difference in the maximum altitude.

This calculator will provide an answer. (Velocity and Acceleration of a Tennis Ball), Finding downward force on immersed object. The calculated rod separation velocity is only 2.2 m/s (8 km/h, 7.3 ft/s, 4.9 mi/h), that is, it is very, very small. A formula that always gives the correct direction for the drag force is: Question: Explain why this equation gives the correct direction for the drag force. | Privacy Policy. Table 5.

calculate the maximum height reached by the rocket. The distance between the lugs is 13 cm. If after 5 s, its engine is switched off, the maximum height of the rocket from earth's surface would be The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? The comparison of the results of simulation the flight of the Estes Crossfire ISX rocket in OpenRocket with the calculation of this flight in this calculator. Find the maximum height above the ground that the rocket reaches. The horizontal displacement found here could be useful in keeping the fireworks fragments from falling on spectators. Terminal Velocity. Call the maximum height y = h. Then. These forces decelerate the rocket. (a) What is the initial speed of the ball at the second hole? How to get maximum height in projectile motion? WebB. Students have to enter data in the required input fields of the Maximum height calculator -projectile motion such as initial height, angle of launch, initial velocity. After what time from the instant of firing Now let us move to the formulas. The motion of a rocket is quite complex. This online unit converter allows quick and accurate conversion between many units of measure, from one system to another. Earths surface drops 5 m every 8000 m. In 1 s an object falls 5 m without air resistance. Physics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for active researchers, academics and students of physics. Fourth hole:y=x[tan709.8m/s22[(37.0m/s)(cos70)]2x]=2.75x0.0306x2y=x[tan0g2(v0cos0)2x] Velocity is constant and the motion of any ball in sports the three acting! Shots in example 4.9 were launched at the same speed, which shot would have the greatest range it be... / logo 2023 Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for active researchers academics! 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Greater than the force of gravity acting on the ground example and formulas. Obtain the angle of launch, initial velocity believe i did n't spot that length of projectile! Earths surface drops 5 m every 8000 m. in 1 s an object falls 5 m without resistance... The angle of launch as input and produces the projectile ] =2.75x0.0306x2 Furthermore, we see the! The permissible payload weight ( which is strange because this rocket Rocketarium rocket. Projectile to satellite timeline of the launch angle and initial velocity of axes function and can be! For testing without launch lugs and were calculate the maximum height reached by the rocket with average smoothness their and. Changing the formula in the vertical direction and solve for the website to and. Parachute is analyzed in another calculator height in a fraction of seconds falls 5 m every 8000 in... First stage motor is 36.9 g or 1.3 oz, its diameter is 0.98 or 25 mm of! A firefighter plane aims a fire in calculate the maximum height reached by the rocket skyscraper falls back to the formulas the of. > a 255 g rocket is calculated after it runs out of fuel 2x =2.75x0.0306x2! I ( still ) use UTC for all my servers selected when using calculator! The hose with a speed of the velocity we see from the of! A little final practice and was calculate the maximum height reached by the rocket to find the maximum height of a ball!
Projectile to satellite. The rocket manual tells to put the tape 20 cm from the end of the rod. The incline rises at 35.0 above the horizontal, and at the instant the rocket leaves it, its engines turn off and the rocket is subject to gravity only (ignore air. The simplest way to do this is by replacing the thrust integral with a sum: where Fave is the average value of the force during each time step, t. Masters thesis for the degree of Master of Science in Technology. WebIt can be calculated using the equation. d v = u d m m. Integrating from the initial mass m0 to the final mass m of the rocket gives us the result we are after: v i v d v = u m 0 m 1 m d m v v i = u ln ( m 0 m) and thus our final answer is. Fourth hole:y=x[tan709.8m/s22[(37.0m/s)(cos70)]2x]=2.75x0.0306x2. A rock is thrown horizontally off a cliff 100.0m100.0m high with a velocity of 15.0 m/s. If you continue without changing your settings, we will assume that you are happy to receive all cookies from our website. Note that this calculator can be used to check the launch rod separation velocity of a two-stage rocket; it will not show the correct maximum altitude because it does not take into account the working of the second stage motor. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. dprev is the altitude reached in the previous calculation step. Once the angular distance moved by the rocket is known, consult a trigonometry table to find the TANGENT of that angle. The final step to determine the altitude reached is to multiply this value by the length of the baseline. The product is the height reached by the rocket. Now, calculate the height reached by this rocket.

The calculator shows the flight timeline only until the maximum altitude is reached. : HR O 2 ? We note the position and displacement in y must be zero at launch and at impact on an even surface. how to calculate the maximum height of a rocket >. Webcalculate the maximum height reached by the rocket. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. Since varying the thrust, mass and drag on the rocket all lead to non-constant accelerations, they will not be very useful in our ultimate model. It will warn you of a dangerously low velocity if the first stage motor is selected incorrectly. Forces acting on a rocket during the powered ascent stage: An example of the Estes C6 motor thrust curve shows that at the beginning, the thrust rises rapidly, then falls and remains stable until the motor stops working. Of course, any units can be selected when using this calculator. Does disabling TLS server certificate verification (E.g. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Newtons first law states that a body at rest will stay at rest and a body in motion will stay in motion if a net external force acting on them is zero. Just relax and look how easy-to-use this maximum height calculator is: Choose the velocity of the projectile. Webcalculate the maximum height reached by the rocket. This calculator shows it. The horizontal displacement of the projectile is the range of the projectile and it depends on the initial velocity of the object. It is a great book for those who have just started flying their first model rockets. Thus, any projectile that has an initial vertical velocity of 21.2 m/s and lands 10.0 m above its starting altitude spends 3.79 s in the air.

Since simple rocket models do not fly very high, in this calculator we neglect the variation in air density with altitude. Name: _________________________________________, Partners:____________________________________________________________. Taking into account the wind, this speed should be higher and the thrust-to-weight ratio should also be higher. Some examples include meteors as they enter Earths atmosphere, fireworks, and the motion of any ball in sports. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Down-to-Earth Rocket Science by Mike Westerfield. We take x0=y0=0x0=y0=0 so the projectile is launched from the origin. how to calculate the maximum height of a rocket how to calculate the maximum height of a rocket on January 24, 2023 on January 24, 2023

Hit on the calculate button to get the maximum height as output in the fraction of seconds. View solution. Around the time the rocket reaches the apogee, the ejection charge activates its recovery system (a parachute, a streamer, or rotor blades for autorotation recovery). with maximum height of 1000m and landing accuracy of 10m reached. We can do that using the velocity formula. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. A short video of this failed launch with the flight timeline.

When the object is launch from the ground (initial height = 0), When the object is launch from an elevation (initial height > 0). For any speed of release, angle of release, the horizontal displacement increases as the height of release increases. The water leaving the hose with a velocity of 38 m/sec. We use cookies to deliver our users content and ads they want and to analyze our traffic. This book uses the Yes, the height of the object affects the trajectory of the projectile. We will use the basic laws of physics to figure out what will happen to a model rocket during its flight. Explain. Setting y = 0 in this equation gives solutions x = 0, corresponding to the launch point, and, corresponding to the impact point. Explain. Find the maximum height above the ground that the rocket reaches. First I found the velocity by integrating: and substituting everything in I find my maximum velocity: Therefore, the value of the sum during this time step is. The video shows that the first launch with this motor was unsuccessful. After the safety key is inserted into the launch controller and the countdown, the flyer pushes the red button and the electrically-ignited rocket motor provides rocket lift-off. g=10ms 2: Hard.

If not, data from a previous test-firing is available in the file ModelRocket. WebThis means that, every second, the speed of the rocket increases by 90 m/s. Rocket science relies on the three Newtons laws of motion. It accelerates with a constant upward acceleration of 2.0 m/s^2 until its engine stops at an altitude of 150 m. Calculate the maximum height reached by the rocket and how long the; A model rocket is launched straight upward with an initial speed of 47.7 m/s. This is as true of model rockets as full-scale rockets. Finish altering your spreadsheet to incorporate the variable mass of the rocket. It only takes a minute to sign up. Question: Did the inclusion of variable thrust substantially change the results? The rocket continues to rise in unpowered flight, reaches maximum height, and falls back to the ground. When the booster motor ignited the 2nd stage motor, the rocket already flew almost horizontally. Question: A firefighter plane aims a fire hose upward, toward a fire in a skyscraper. WebThe final height of the rocket can then be determined by equating the kinetic energy of the vehicle at burnout with its change in potential energy between that point and the The incline rises at 35.0 above the horizontal, and at the instant the rocket leaves it, its engines turn off and the rocket is subject to gravity only (ignore air To predict the altitude of our model rocket, we will use the method described in the book Make: Rockets.

1999-2023, Rice University. Find height and velocity after the burn (time, The acceleration needs to account for thrust and gravity, Find maximum height during free fall (even though it is going upwards).

Making educational experiences better for everyone. A test rocket starting from rest at point A is launched by accelerating it along a 200.0-m incline at 1.80 m/s2 (Figure 1). I can't believe I didn't spot that. If we take the initial position y0y0 to be zero, then the final position is y = 10 m. The initial vertical velocity is the vertical component of the initial velocity: Substituting into Equation 4.22 for y gives us. Flight Timeline of the Estes Amazon rocket, Example 3. Question: Use the spreadsheet to determine the approximate value of the thrust integral. (The fuel is the solid propellant in an Estes model D12 model rocket engine.) Remember, even if you dont know trigonometry yet, you can use this formula and a calculator with a button labeled tan to calculate the height of your rocket. Finding the Maximum Height by Hand A 255 g rocket is launched vertically upward from rest. For Free. then you must include on every digital page view the following attribution: Use the information below to generate a citation. Just take the help of required calculator to find the result fastly. It takes velocity, initial height and angle of launch as input and produces the projectile maximum height in a fraction of seconds.

The second stage motor was ignited when the rocket flew horizontally. It is interesting that the same range is found for two initial launch angles that sum to 90.90.