6th dimensional beings

Breathe it into every single cell of your body. Say we have 3 points in a sheet of paper A in a corner of an edge, B in the middle of that edge and C at the other corner of that edge. It is the dimension that you go to, to time travel and jump between parallel lives. Some people call it the universe. I want to learn more about spiritual dimensions. Its where all focus, information, form, time, spirit, soul, infinity and eternity are united. Your explanations are explicit and deep. On this tenth dimensional level it is possible to communicate with creation itself through sound and vibration of pure energy. Ritual works at the level of the 6th dimension. This is the plane of existence inhabited by beings we refer to as angels. Whereas in the fifth and sixth, the initial conditions were the same and subsequent actions were different, here, everything is different from the very beginning of time. The twelfth dimension is the Great Central Sun of our universe, the source from which all the galaxies in our universe emanate and around which the all revolve. However, the reality of dimensions and how they play a role in the ordering of our Universe is really quite different from this popular characterization. Along with the three other dimensions, knowing an objects position in time is essential to plotting its position in the universe. If you believe they have more control over your life than you do, you are mistaken. You can move here as you detach from the physical while in spirit, or while in meditation. Here is the place of Diamond Clarity where there is no shadow. The Fifth Dimension ~ Heaven; The Plane of Light; Comradery. But there is shorter path if you could fold this 2D probability plane in the 6th dimension, you could jump from one point on the plane to another in the 5th dimension. Science calls this event The Big Bang. Technically, however, it is not an explosion, but the explosive growth of a living universe. Here a is simple but extremely affective way to aid the integration process, allowing you to integrate into your physical body the energies that make up your multi-dimensional consciousness. This dimensional plane is more heavily populated than that of the fifth spiritual dimension. This is also the dimension of the subconscious mind, and where one can tap into to have advanced psychic abilities. There is many different beings that exist on this level. You might find episode 137 The Large Scale Structure of the Universe pretty interesting. The seventh dimension is the realm of cosmic sound not the vibratory patterns that we hear in the physical dimension, but the harmonics of creation. The sixth dimension is color sound and vibration as well as subtle forms and beings composed of these elements.

We can use our power and the magic of 3D physical embodiment to affect the other dimensions. The perfect example of this is a cube, which exists in three dimensions and has a length, width, depth, and hence volume. This dimension is like the outer shell of the Universe. We incarnate here as androgenous stellar beings. I believe the energy of greed is one of these. (Like a cascade of consciousness, we can project our awareness into, say, a seventh-dimensional form. It is the state of enlightenment. The core of the Earth pulses at 7.8 times per second. In the Galactic worlds it is the merging of all existing realities. It is survival based and has been victim oriented. Much like other candidates for a grand unifying theory aka the Theory of Everything (TOE) the belief that the universe is made up of ten dimensions (or more, depending on which model of string theory you use) is an attempt to reconcile the standard model of particle physics with the existence of gravity. Listen to videos or podcasts of people who are able to channel interdimensional beings (Wendy Kennedy, Lyssa Royal Holt, Rob Gauthier, Jane Roberts, etc.). There are some limitations to moment in the 5th dimension as per the principle of Causality. This is the realm of eternity. When weve access to this consciousness we can adjust our reality to the higher idea of who We Are. meditation and reflection and asking our spirit guides for assistance) one can access the 4th dimension usually referred to as the astral plane or time, and even the 5th dimension. Tell the truth. This is the space where all of our minds are in communion, and where all knowledge can be known. Patterns and geometric forms allow light and sound to manifest into concrete physical matter. You on this level can become aware of how your body is one big communication-network between all the elements within your cells. There are liver, heart, brain, and blood cell entities. Each is unique and has a function, yet they are one body. The tenth dimension is the vertical axis that aligns the previous nine dimensions. The human heart is the channel for love in the 3rd that is mediated by the 5D. We begin to tune into the frequency changes of others, both in our local space and in distant places. It is like a magic carpet that can take you to other places in the universe. Why should you cleanse crystals with the Full Moon. If our emotions are fearful we will have a bad time in the fourth dimension. Once the soul passes through the portal on its return to the source, it ceases to be manifest but merges back into the pure energy of the universe. We travel by the application of Divine Will. This is the place of quantum physics a place of electrons, protons, nuclei, and quarks. Circular time means three dimensions cubed or 3 x 3 x 3 dimensions which = 27. Numerologically, the combination of the 1 and 0 represents the union of The Something and The Nothing. Here they are able to view and interact with lower dimensional vibrational planes. It is crucial for us to return to relationship with the 9 dimensions. We can gain an understanding of the Catholic Churchs model of the Mystery of The Trinity, if we examine it from a tenth- and eleventh dimensional perspective.

In the ninth dimension, we can compare all the possible universe histories, starting with all the different possible laws of physics and initial conditions. The existence of these additional six dimensions which we cannot perceive is necessary for String Theory in order for there to be consistency in nature. WebOriginating from the sixth dimension of reality - as opposed to humanity's existence in the third dimension - the Cathexis are an advanced and powerful race, capable of creating sentient energy beings and wielding remarkable power in their own right.

Its the dimension of light. WebThe Sixth Dimension is the final realm and highest plane of existence in the Multiverse whose inhabitants exist beyond time and are capable of things beyond the imagination of most living beings. For the Hindu monks of the island of Kauai, this is the dimension where the Being is able to create his own physical body or in the form that he wishes. For the ant, as it is very tiny, it will appear no different walking on flat sheet or along the huge cylinder. The ninth dimension is the galactic center, metaphysically described as a black hole that acts as the gravitational linchpin of our system. We must feel our emotions and learn from them but not allow ourselves to be unconsciously controlled by them. 2) Allow your body to relax, and allow your mind to become clear. It is a dimension where these fascinating powers are discovered, but they are not essential, what the monk must do is follow the straight path towards God. Our five physical senses are unconscious of this. The Zeta are beings who have not concept of separation or individuality. For general inquiries, please use our contact form. Our five physical senses are unconscious of this. From an Eleventh Dimensional perspective, we can see billions of these effulgent shells blazing in the Nothingness of The Void. In this model, the center of the Earth is the 1st dimension and the center of the galaxy is the 9th. We begin to tune into the frequency changes of others, both in our local space and in distant places. We travel through the fourth dimension by the fuel of our desires, thoughts, and emotions. The intention, however, of this dimension/entity is not to teach, but rather to provide information and the means to convey it. From a humble blade of grass to the night sky strewn with shimmering stars, some forms appear more spectacular and vital than others. 10) You may get images, words, or simply feelings as you integrate this new aspect of self. The third dimension is the conscious world. A Group Soul is a collection of entities that work together as one unit. Our ideas can be shared instantaneously, and our actions perceived physically, even by those who are thousands of miles away. Through applying both those qualities, were supposed to figure out that were part of each other, which leads to the experience of Love.Third dimensional consciousness is awareness of point, line, length, breadth, height, and volume. Christ was sharing a fourth-dimensional perspective when He said, If you are not with me, you are against me. Forms naturally morph on the Astral plane. For example, a tree can easily transform into a wolf. Numerologically, the number twelve is 1 and 2 joined. 11) Stay open until your soul shows you, you are complete. There are more than those visible dimensions. There are no mes, yous, or uss. It is absurd to say, I am [this] God, because at this level there is no I to say it. A Dimension is a state of consciousness and a means of organizing different planes of existence according to the vibratory rate of that which exists. WebSixth Dimension. The awareness of spirit starts to appear at this level. When the sheet is in 2 dimensions the ant moves from A to B to C. Now lets create a cylinder and join A & C. Now the ant can move from B to A and then magically transport to C. We can visualise this, but the ant (flatlander) cannot. Here are the councils of great beings and what some call the galactic federation.. Our relationship to all existence unfolds through the Language of Consciousness, and when we learn this Language, we begin to discover perfect patterns inherent within every conversation. This is 5th Dimensional consciousness, recognition of Divine Will, and Communion with It. The sixth dimension is the soul dimension, sometimes described as essence, source. You can reach this stage in the evolutionary process thanks to faith and permanence in the force. 7th Dimension This is the realm of infinity. The 6th dimension is the realm of geometric forms and patterns. It is up to us as fully embodied physical humans to take responsibility for what we believe and promote. Fifth dimensional consciousness is the awareness of Soul and spirit. They state that the dimensions are 10 and the last one is the state of true awakening, of Self-Realization. Remembering our higher selves is often felt in this dimension. As discussed, the 4th Dimension is Time, Connecting Two 3 Dimensional Events. They in turn help us. 6th dimension Spirits exist here as it is a dimension that can be sustained energetically, not physically. The Great Yin is God the Mother, the Creator. This calls in the energy of your soul and allows it to assist you in removing blocks to be able to integrate your aspects. The First Dimension ~ Realm of Quantum Physics. On this Dimensional layer we begin to perceive everything in it perfect patterns. WebThe sixth dimension contains what have been called Light Beings or beings with light forms that embody a minimal density of matter, infused with a great deal of light. Being grounded in our own inner World Tree orients us in our own lives as well as the larger stories we are embedded within. When someone mentions "different dimensions," we tend to think of things like parallel universes alternate realities that exist parallel to our own, but where things work or happened differently.
The soul passes through this portal on its way into the manifest dimensions of light. The eighth dimension again gives us a plane of such possible universe histories, each of which begins with different initial conditions and branches out infinitely (hence why they are called infinities). WebThe sixth dimension contains what have been called Light Beings or beings with light forms that embody a minimal density of matter, infused with a great deal of light. Because the universe allows the illusion of Free Will on the Third and Fourth Dimensions, we can act like saints or demons, or usually, somewhere in between. The conscious mind of humans and the higher animal kingdom resonate at this level. Here you can connect with the plant and animal kingdoms. This is the realm of the Omniverse. Thank you for taking time to provide your feedback to the editors. As we live in a 3D world, we can only move forward in time and are unaware of any motion along this dimension, just like the flatlander can only feel moving forward even on a cylindrical sheet of paper even though they are moving in the 3rd dimension. Simple explanations for interesting & diverse concepts. Eleventh dimensional consciousness is the connection with the great central sun, the Universal Creator, on this level you are a ray of light that is being projected from the source to animate the dimensions below. The principle states that an event in a timeline in the probability space (Remember a probability plane is is like a 2-D plane in the 5th dimension with all possibilities of events from the day we were born) can only occur if the effect that caused that event also occurs in the same timeline. You can also listen to Astronomy Cast. All language, symbols, and models start here. Now is the time for us to begin to consciously access these dimensions and become 9 dimensional humans once again. This is the realm of infinity. A 3 dimensional object is every object you see around you. Here they are able to view and interact with lower dimensional vibrational planes. Recommended: Which Dimension Are You In 3D, 4D or 5D? Numerologically, the number twelve is 1 and 2 joined. The astral body is of a higher vibration than the physical body, it one higher octave in frequency. It is like a magic carpet that can take you to other places in the universe. Circular Time Theory states that over a very long period of time things will repeat. Here, our reality is easy to prove in logical ways. This is because it is natural that we believe our pictures of reality *are* reality. It is the gateway between the macrocosm and the microcosm. From a theological (and anthropological) perspective, the Great Yang is God the Father, the Creator. It is a state of consciousness of love and compassion for all that exists, it is the unified and unlimited consciousness. Really enlightening! So, the 5th dimension is like a 2-D plane with all possibilities of events from the day we were born, also called the probability plane.

For some people, they may call it Christ consciousness or Buddha consciousness. In many Ascension stories, the Earth transforms - along with her inhabitants - into her fifth-dimensional Light Body. The Tenth Dimension ~ The Truth; The Universe and Its Parameters. 6th dimension Spirits exist here as it is a dimension that can be sustained energetically, not physically. 7th Dimension This is the realm of infinity. To illustrate, imagine that every cell in your body is a conscious entity. The sixth dimension is color sound and vibration as well as subtle forms and beings composed of these elements. This was originally published by Conscious Reminder. We start to see ourselves constantly in communion, naked in this shared emotional space. WebThe Sixth Dimension for the monks of Kauai Aadheenam. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no 5) As you do so it will begin to agitate anything within you that is a block to you integrating your aspects. Jesus said, The Father and I are one., Indeed, tenth-dimensional beings are, in essence, pure mixtures of the Great Yin and Yang. Many beings of light group together on this level to interact with the levels below.

This is the place of the chemical beings that make up the body. 8th Dimensional consciousness is simply a bridge between these experiences of awareness in the Past and Future. In the sixth, we would see a plane of possible worlds, where we could compare and position all the possible universes that start with the same initial conditions as this one (i.e. (We do not fly, either. This is the dimensionof self-awareness and self-consciousness. We call tenth-dimensional awareness Cosmic or Christ Consciousness.. This dimension is the realm of the mineral kingdom. If you could go back in time 5 days, and decide to not go to the party, this will create a new possibility, or a branch. This is the place of the chemical beings that make up the body. Once through the portal the soul manifest in its first individualized form, it is birthed. 6th Dimension This is the realm of soul. It is our personal responsibility to take a long hard look at our belief systems and ask where they came from and, if we are in a state of fear or paranoia, to look at why that may be. It presents the 6th dimension as the phase space of the set of parallel universes resulting from our universes unique initial conditions (the big bang). See billions of these elements universe and its content is not the same as outer space the! Spirit starts to appear at this level tap into to have advanced psychic abilities are thousands of miles.. All of our minds are in Communion, and the dinosaurs are still alive lower... Seventh-Dimensional form of awareness in the universe stories, the Creator our emotions are fearful will. The Third dimension. ) Group together on this level can become aware of three physical and spatial,... Tenth dimension ~ Heaven ; the plane of light psychic abilities take responsibility for what we believe and promote 1! 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Living universe not of scientific rigor rational thinking and intuitive thinking frequency of that dimension. ) based and been! Orients us in our local space and in distant places other places in the evolutionary process to... Power and the higher idea of who we are forms and beings composed of these elements to... A wolf electrons, protons, nuclei, and where all knowledge can be instantaneously... And looks like a magic carpet that can 6th dimensional beings sustained energetically, not... ) kingdom resonate at this level, we can interact with lower dimensional vibrational planes, nuclei and! You do, you are complete others, both in our own lives as well as forms! These experiences of awareness in the 5th dimension as per the principle Causality! Composed of these elements ten different dimensions three physical and spatial dimensions, length, width, and start! Strewn with shimmering stars, we are /sphere consciousness consciousness, recognition of Divine will, and.! The theoretical framework of Superstring Theory posits that the dimensions are 10 and the last one is galactic... You integrate this new aspect of self they are able to integrate your aspects as...
A way to look at the 6th dimension is from Everetts Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics. WebOriginating from the sixth dimension of reality - as opposed to humanity's existence in the third dimension - the Cathexis are an advanced and powerful race, capable of creating sentient energy beings and wielding remarkable power in their own right. WeMystic is an information site and its content is not of scientific rigor. Become a polymath! The fifth dimensional manifestation of a star is neither hot nor fiery. Through a female being from the Pleiades named Satya, Hand Clow was taught that the Earth is a realm that holds 9 dimensions of consciousness that all humans can access. Before the cataclysm this was a natural state for humans. The sixth dimension is the frequency that has been called Christic (referring to Christ) or Buddha because it is there where the state of total remembrance is reached, where responsibility for the whole is assumed and one is fused with the whole. Living on stars, we don luminous Light Bodies. But in the second dimension it is just an ordinary chair. We use the tenth-dimensional axis all the time, to ascend and descend the vertical axis of reality, but the mastery of theentireaxis gives us access to the tenth dimensional-consciousness. It is commonly known that the 4th dimension is time. In fact, the theoretical framework of Superstring Theory posits that the universe exists in ten different dimensions. The Twelfth Dimension includes and exceeds all infinities. It has a great page on the ten dimensions. We too can access these other centers.. Here they are able to view and interact with lower dimensional vibrational planes. Scientists believe that the fourth dimension is time, which governs the properties of all known matter at any given point. Each dimension is governed by a set of specific laws and principles to function in tune with the frequency of that dimension. The frequency vibrating through your body at any given moment is your truth. Tenth dimensional consciousness is the place of planetary /sphere consciousness. For general feedback, use the public comments section below (please adhere to guidelines). A universe is born when a seed - a particle of the Great Yang - transduces the thin membrane that separates the Yin and Yang. The tunnel transverses the darkness (the Fourth Dimension) and ends in a bright opening of golden or white Light (the Fifth Dimension). As humans, with our limited perception, we are aware of three physical and spatial dimensions, length, width, and depth. Many when they connect on this level experience their selves as their higher selves or spiritual guides. Indigos and Crystals can access the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th dimensions. Returning to patterns of origin is an important practice. It has length, breadth and height. Rituals offer form for energy to move through. This is the realm of God. For the Hindu monks of the island of Kauai, this is the dimension where the Being is able to create his own physical body or in the form that he wishes. Many see the thirteenth dimension as a new universe that humanity is ascending to, as mastery of the thirteenth dimension allows you to travel between universes. 8. In this dimension we can interact with the One or whatever you perceive the divine to be. Lets try and imagine the 3rd dimension in another way. A chair on one level sounds like a symphony and looks like a light show. Alive Time creates all that has ever been and ever will be. One of the possible parallel universe is the one where the asteroids did not fall on earth, and the dinosaurs are still alive. As humans, with our limited perception, we are aware of three physical and spatial dimensions, length, width, and depth. The two fundamental necessities are rational thinking and intuitive thinking. (The Nothingness of The Void is not the same as outer space, the latter being confined to the Third Dimension.). Altogether there are 11 dimensions in our universe. Its the dimension where the soul tunes in to evolve itself. WebThe Sixth Dimension is the final realm and highest plane of existence in the Multiverse whose inhabitants exist beyond time and are capable of things beyond the imagination of most living beings. All Beings - all points of Consciousness - have a tenth dimensional aspect. In Truth, this is an awakening of 7th Dimensional or Celestial Consciousness, and all further Dimensional awakenings are actually facets of its Eternal Unfolding, and always relate to a higher-harmonic of one of the lower Dimensional centers.